Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Since Bushido's inception, we've pretty much stood behind one singular trademark logo.  Of course, there have been iterations of the classic design, with small adjustments made over the years - But it's otherwise been very consistent.

For 2017, things are changing.  I felt it was time for something more substantial and distinguishing; for lack of a better term - something more in your face.  The idea of using this watermark has been tossed around, and sitting on my hard drive for awhile now.  The new year and a new opportunity seemed like the perfect time to roll it out, and I wanted to do it right.

I shot over an email to the great folks who took care of producing the Bushido vinyl stickers last time, and squared away an order for some bumper stickers using the new design.  This is the first ever, traditionally-sized Bushido bumper sticker which makes this debut just that much more fun.  The overall notion behind this concept is to use our new watermark for the majority of media coverage moving forward, making our photos standout and more identifiable.

That's not to worry if you're a fan of the classic, script design though.  We'll be keeping that around, but the current intention is to reserve using that watermark for more personalized posts, such as individual car features or club write-ups.  For now, the below example is a taste of what you can expect in the future for event coverage and other articles!  With that said, there are plenty of photos to share from the trip down to Musselman Honda Circuit this past weekend, and the aim is to have those posted later this week.

Additionally, you can pick up one of the new bumper stickers through the web store here:

Here's to looking forward to what 2017 and beyond has in store - We're very excited and hope you are too!
武士道 - B U S H I D O!

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